Nudges and Questions
Have you ever had a “nudge” from God? If you are like me, it just would not go away and you know you had to say “ok”. That’s what led to the founding of Dementia Friendly Fort Worth in 2018 and now to the founding of Matthew25Jewelry in 2024.
To say this was way outside my comfort zone would be a huge understatement. As a retired RN and Pastor’s wife, I felt totaly unqualified to begin the work of either. But God has a way of providing the people and resources we need to do the work he calls us to. Just as God raised up Aaron to help Moses (not that I am a Moses!), God also raised up people along the way to bring to fruition the vision given me. I am amazed and grateful for all who have helped Dementia Friendly Fort Worth and Matthew25Jewelry become realities that touch the lives of so many people.
Now, you may be feeling a nudge or a nagging question, “How can I help?” or “What can I do?” or even “Would it make any difference if I …? Take a moment to scroll down and perhaps God will nudge you with an answer to one of those questions.
People respond to Matthew25Jewelry
Barney gave a friend a M25J bracelet with the accompanying paraphrase of Matthew 25:34-40. Mary wrote back:
“Thank you so much for the dementia bracelet. It is not only pretty, but such a special reminder of all that has been taken from m mom and the opportunity I have to helph er and be the hands and feet of Jesus. I loved the verse and I continue to draw strength from it. The days are oh, so long, but we are learning a lot about life, and love, and family along the way. You were so thoghtful to think of us”.
Let us know how M25J jewelry has impacted you or someone you love.